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A few practical steps towards curbing non-Hodgkin lymphoma

A few practical steps towards curbing non-Hodgkin lymphoma

The type of cancer that grows on white blood cells called lymphocytes is called lymphoma.  This cancer occurs in the lymph nodes and spreads like a web throughout the body. At the same time, it is the most common type of lymphoma occurring in humans. Non-Hodgkin lymphoma occurs in the lymphatic system and has different subtypes.
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A few common types of pancreatic cancer and their possible treatments

A few common types of pancreatic cancer and their possible treatments

Every pancreatic cancer patient has different health problems. The type of pancreatic cancer varies from person to person. The pain that is an indication of the particular type of cancer starts in the upper abdominal pain. The pancreas has two different kinds of cells: the endocrine cells and the exocrine cells.
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IBS and Abdominal Pain, things to know

IBS and Abdominal Pain, things to know

A common digestive problem, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can produce distressing symptoms. IBS refers to intestinal symptoms, which usually occur at the same time. These symptoms can range from mild to severe abdominal pain, bloating, gas, cramps, constipation, and diarrhea. If you experience persistent IBS symptoms especially severe bellyache, seek medical attention without delay.
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What is an h pylori infection

What is an h pylori infection

Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) are bacteria that flourish in the digestive system and can cause infection in the stomach. H. pylori symptoms may not manifest in some people. Causes It is still unknown how an H. pylori infection occurs. But it can pass through an infected person to another in several ways.
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H pylori infection and ulcers

H pylori infection and ulcers

One of the leading causes of stomach ulcers is an infection from the Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) bacteria. Peptic ulcers are open sores on the stomach lining, the duodenum (the upper part of small intestine) and lower esophagus. Hpylori are bacteria that can enter the stomach and thrive inside the organ.
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What is AFib stroke and what causes it

What is AFib stroke and what causes it

Afib (Atrial Fibrillation) is a condition in which there is abnormal and fast electrical rhythm in the upper chambers of the heart. When afib occurs, the upper chambers do not contract completely, and hence the flow of blood gets restricted. As the blood collects or gets stagnant, it slowly starts forming clots.
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